
2.我现在有一台GIANT 欧野2.0升级版了,我想改装前叉,有一千人民币,可又想把它卖1000,再买atx730.






Four-year-old January 4, Newton was born in the town of Lincoln mighty eng, thorpe's a common family Newton's birth father has passed three months. Newton was a shortage of births, only on weight, in home 13.62 people are worried about whether he can survive. However, the weak life was unexpectedly survived. His age 2, because his mother remarried to a priest, from nearby villages to support his grandmother. In elementary school, his body is weak, shy, learning in class is poor, he still is often naughty student's bullying. However, Newton's will is very strong, he will start on study, hard work, and jumped into the first class.Newton was silent, love thought, eccentric, stubborn, and other children play together. This could be a possible problem with his body is good and family situation.Newton from boyhood of manufacturing various artifacts he strong interest, it is said that he had a mill model, it can action, power is the mouse, called "mouse", even adults open mills are seen. He made a kite than from a shop to acquisition. Once, he hung in a little below the kite, fly towards light, light, with a kite, peremptory comet eared far view. At the age of 12, Newton into near grantham of liberal arts school reading, send a living in the local drug division brought him home, the chemical experiment. His mother died in the second husband in 1658, with her husband and the second birth to a son, two women's and Newton, thorpe to recall. The mother wanted him to become a peasant family farm management, and help yourself, so often call him doing farm work. But, in Isaac Newton was fascinated learning, sheep, he read in the sheep, eating neighbor crops, He went to buy a book, he forgot to anything, the result is returning empty-handed. In 1658 September day, people are blustery, but stay at home on Newton's qu a pleasant to run for somewhile, contrary to run. He is in the test and the speed of wind, in order to work the size of the wind calculation.Along with the growth of the age, Newton to read, thinking and doing experiments of increasing enthusiasm. He likes painting, sculpture, make water clock, especially like sundials, and used to carve it according to the moving to determine the time. His mother to daughter with your sister making toys. He had made the water clock and still retain sundials, in ur of the former thorpe corner and the windowsill. During this time, his grades, though not very prominent, but natural phenomena such as color of the four seasons, it is the mobile has strong curiosity. He especially loves geometry and Copernican books, and included in the door down to read the notes and experiences. He likes to do some special tools, study skills and small invention.The grantham school headmaster stoke and Newton's a god of your uncle area for with eye, saw Isaac Newton displayed diligent spirit, persuaded Newton's mother allowed him to go to college for further education. In June, Newton 1661 FeiSheng with the trinity college, Cambridge university. His side in the dining room service, students read. 1664, he won a scholarship.Newton had just entered university, school also taught at some JingYuanShi course such as logic, prose, grammar, ancient history, theology, etc. 2 years at trinity college, new eared. Lucas contributive establish a mathematics seminar, natural sciences knowledge teaching regulations, such as the geographical, physics, astronomy, and mathematics curriculum. The first lecture professor baron is a learned scientist, he led into natural science of Newton. Newton was the study of Euclid, read the optics, Kepler Descartes "geometry" and "philosophy principle", "about two macrocosm of Galileo dialogue system and the microstructure of the atlas of backing from the royal society, history and philosophy of early journal, etc. In the learning process, Newton in readme triangle, geometry, optical and laid the solid foundation. Early 1665, Newton and university bachelor degree. At the age of 12 than Newton big in mathematics and optical barlow to Newton's talent, he is reciated, he thought Newton mathematical ability than yourself.1665-1666 in London, plague, Cambridge school near London, lest affected closed off, 1665 June Newton returned hometown ur, thorpe. Newton's home from the pestilence that 18 months, also is the so-called "can create the miracle of time". His thoughts in natural science field, talent burst, He thought the previous never thought of predecessors, into the field germination, never involves the immortal thoughts and ideas, and began to create unprecedented feats. He started thinking about grity, optical lens, grinding, explore the essence of light, and put forward the study math, and the relevant mathematical concepts of calculus...After the pestilence, and he returned to Cambridge in 1667, elected at trinity college, the researchers oained the degree of master of arts. For Newton to fully understanding, in 1669 by October 27, baroda recommended only 26-year-old Newton replace himself as a professor from lucasfilm Newton began 27 years of teaching. Teaching, he continued his research work. Newton put his optical notes (16.7 ~ 1672), arithmetic and algebra notes (1673 ~ 1683), the mathematical principles of philosophy of the first part (1684 1685) and the universe ~ (1687) system to Cambridge university library hand up. In 1672, he was admitted to the royal society member, tsar was elected chairman of the royal society, annual reelection, until he died in 1727.Newton in college made guizhou seed Charles Montana, also is the method of Lord grams of harry later, he is introduced into the palace and the social Newton. While he was in great financial when lying in 1696 recommend any mint, Newton gddoftec and six nine promoted to factory director. At that time, Britain is chaotic, Newton monetary using his metallurgy knowledge for the British casting real currency. Cornelians Although Newton no interest in politics, but 1689 ~ 1690 and 1701-1702 years but elected representatives of the university council members. 1705, scientific research and reform for Newton's monetary prominent noble title given his queen, Anna. For salaries, affluent life and mint work and social activities of teaching work busy, tired, he started from Cambridge 1701, exit at trinity college professors. 1722 Samuel Adams, 80 years of Newton suffered from rheumatism, bladder disease and cholelith disease. In February, he 1727 in the royal society of London, presided over the meeting in, when suddenly fell ill. On March 20th at 1am, Newton died in sleep, in the age of 85. The British for his great teaching in Westminster state funeral ceremony was held grandly in human history, he became the first won the award of natural scientists.Newton's lifelong unmarried, old age is in his niece 6947 spent under the care of the button.



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Lydia-Tam mai mai rub suk tee



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emma bunton----Something So Beautiful


CHRISTIAN UILERA----se me from myself

Cara Dillon---Garden Valley












British great physicist, mathematician, astronomer.The boon space Si say:"Newton established astronomy because of discovering gritational theory, because of carry on light of resolve but established the optics of science, established mathematics of science because of establishing binomial equation axioms and infinite theories, established the mechanics of science because of knowing the man's natural character of the mechanics."Really, Newton made to lay foundation stone ual contribution in the natural science realm and be rated as science huge Jiang.

Newton was born at a farmer family of Lincolnshire in British the north.In 1661 pass examination Cambridge university the inside Ni Di a school especially, graduate in 1665, at this time just in time plague, Newton goes home to oid epidemic disease for two years, the period almost considered his whole life in each aspect study, especially he wins from cradle to the gre of a few major contributions:Gritational theory, classic mechanics, calculus and optics.

Newton discovers gritational theory, built up classic mechanics, he uses a formula the biggest ephemeris sport in the cosmos and minimum grain sport of the son unify.The cosmos becomes thus clear:All of whichever sports are to without cause take place, is all long long of a series of cause and effect chain be an earance, a link within, is can accurate description.People break several thoughts that the wills of thousand in the last years absolute beings rule world, start believe there is no thing is can't be accurate by intelligence knowing of.Compare at his ories, Newton greater contribution makes people from now on start believe science.

Newton is 1 far far above the wise science giant of the in those days owner, his quest to the truth is a such Chi fan, with as for all of his ories results just reveal to the public under the urge sincerely of other people and say that the creation is the biggest fun to Newton.






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